Woodworking Classes (old)
Fine Furniture Making and Woodcarving
Tools supplied or bring your own
Small friendly classes (maximum 6)
Carve, turn, build, or burn - choose your own style
No experience is necessary
The classes cost $90 each, and run for 3 hours. Payment is per calendar month, and is paid at the beginning of each month. Please note that when you join a class, you put your name on one of the few spaces available in that class, and while your name is on it I cannot give it to anyone else, so you must pay for it. Whether you attend or not is up to you.
However, if you do need to miss a class (and you probably will, sooner or later), I will do all I can to enable you to make it up by coming twice in a week, by attending another class, until you make up what you have missed. I certainly do not want you to pay for something you do not receive, but the system has to work for me, as well as for you.
Although the classes are small, with a maximum of six students, there is a social aspect to attending classes as well. For most of us, working alone is enjoyable in small doses, but we need to spend at least some time sharing our interest with like minded people. This also has a double benefit, because in addition to the way it enhances the pleasure you gain from woodworking, it also enhances your learning as well, as you become an interested observer of the progress of your classmates with their projects, which often require skills and knowledge you have not yet acquired.
In my experience, the woodwork community worldwide is broad and generous. One result of this is the enormous amount of material available, both online and off, that we can access to assist our learning. However, it does help to have a basic understanding of the craft so that we are able to search out the specific information we require, and to sort the good material from the rest.